Geotype Submission
The Geotype project charts the rich history of lettering and type forms that have established the identity of cities and towns around the world. Explore the map
How does this letter-form communicate its location?
I found this example of lettering really interesting for its material and choice of wide open font and how these two elements play off each other. The wide sans serif font gives a fresh, modern feel which would appeal to most people, but specifically I feel fonts like this one are for people who want the credible feel of a serif but don't want to ostracise younger or less-middle-class people from your business. I see these types of fonts with no capitalisation used often to appeal to the younger generation, who through being brought up with texting and social media do not have the same strict grammatical rules as the older generation do. I found the materiality of this type interesting as it was not painted or printed, it was a permanent type marker used to create it, suggesting a do-it-yourself approach. I also was really interested in the paint used underneath the text an interesting addition, it was there to cover a graffiti tag, but the paint used was in the wrong colour for the wall therefore giving a strange tension to the person up keeping this sign. They care enough to cover graffiti but not enough to use the right colour paint.
Victory Buildings, Church Lane, Banbury OX16 5LT, UK