Geotype Submission
The Geotype project charts the rich history of lettering and type forms that have established the identity of cities and towns around the world. Explore the map
How does this letter-form communicate its location?
This example is from a post boxes made of aluminum. There is something quite elegant about it, I like the way the white paint neatly covers the raised lettering. The lettering reminds me of type I’ve seen from the Civil War in the 20’s in Ireland. Every town in Ireland was affected by that war, so this type of lettering evokes a sense of place, history and tradition. I really like how weathered and decayed this sign is, it reflects the harsh countryside conditions it has endured through the years. Carrick is a rural town as opposed to a busy urban-city-type. I consider myself ‘from the country‘ as we say in Ireland (people who do not live in cities), so these signs road signs really instil that sense of place. The decayed, rough nature of the sign also reflects a storied and a lived history, from famine to civil war, to boom and bust, this town has seen it all.
Townparks, Carrick-On-Shannon, County Leitrim, N41 T2X2, Ireland