Geotype Submission
The Geotype project charts the rich history of lettering and type forms that have established the identity of cities and towns around the world. Explore the map
How does this letter-form communicate its location?
The one unavoidable typeface that you encounter in Oxford is this one. The block capitols ringed with white, known as Varsity typeface. From a tourism perspective, this is the font that embodies the perception of what Oxford is, a giant university. These are the same letters used in vintage American college apparel such as Harvard or Yale. Even the name Varsity translates as university-based jargon on both sides of the pond. The letters really do conjure up the typical perceptions of university life. By being the font associated with such distinguished universities they instantly tell the story of groups of students walking through hallways debating, the sports teams out training (and drinking) libraries full of panicked writers approaching deadlines. The classic graduation trope of mortar boards being thrown in the air on graduation day. Because of its broadly academic associations, Varsity is the superficial typeface of Oxford. The brand if you like.
High Street, Oxford, UK