Geotype Submission
The Geotype project charts the rich history of lettering and type forms that have established the identity of cities and towns around the world. Explore the map
How does this letter-form communicate its location?
Royal Mail post boxes were introduced in the UK in 1853 with a tab function to inform people when post is collected. In 2003, 116,000 post boxes had their tabs re-instated after modern, detailed printed collection information sheets were placed on boxes. The tabs were re-introduced again following petitions in 2006, as the tab was deemed a functional requirement to the public - the design is relevant today and can’t be modernised. The scratches on the metal tab and worn etched lettering show the interaction with postal workers and weather over time, as does the chipped paint surrounding it.
Club Lane, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8RB, UK