Geotype Submission

The Geotype project charts the rich history of lettering and type forms that have established the identity of cities and towns around the world. Explore the map

How does this letter-form communicate its location?

The Aungier Street entrance was added to the 19th Century Carmelite Church in 1951, the main entrance being on Whitefriar’s Street. Not strictly Irish in design, it represents Catholic and period style, in keeping with that of the church built in 1844. The monogram is carved into granite giving it texture, and the gilt, lustre. The letters represent St.Theriese’s shrine of Liseux on which the architecture was based, with the ‘T’ becoming a crucifix. The country’s recent loss of trust in the Catholic church was a massive shift in Irish society and for some this iconography may hold negative connotations.


56 Aungier Street, Dublin, D02 YF57, Ireland.