Geotype Submission
The Geotype project charts the rich history of lettering and type forms that have established the identity of cities and towns around the world. Explore the map
How does this letter-form communicate its location?
I chose this particular street sign, because this is a good example of Armenian traditional Erkatagir (Երքաթագիր) font. Erkatagir translated means iron script and in this example the sign is made out of metal. The font is characterized by a contrast between thick vertical forms and thin connecting curved strokes. Authentic Armenian fonts are now difficult to find, since both the Soviet influence and globalization made us forget about our typographic tradition. As a result, styles such as the sans serif and serif have been simply adapted to the Armenian letters. However, Erkatagir script is a truly authentic historic Armenian font. By the way, the street is named after Henri Verneuil, who is a French-Armenian filmmaker. In honor of him, this street sign differs from the rest.
22 Amiryan Street, Yerevan, Armenia